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Extractions & Space Maintainers


Our office offers extractions for all baby teeth whether it is due to a cavity or for the purposes of orthodontic treatment (braces). The aim is to make this difficult procedure as non-traumatic as possible, and the dentist will employ several techniques to make the “shot” painless. Most children are not emotionally ready to process the anxiety associated with the “shot” and “pulling the tooth out”, hence we recommend a discussion with the dentist regarding the best ways to prepare your child for their appointment. Based on patient’s age, behavior and treatment needs, the dentist will discuss with you the need for laughing gas or sedation to make the experience easier. The child should be monitored by a responsible adult for the first 24 hours after an extraction and the Post op care instructions will be provided in writing and verbally explained by the dentist after the procedure. You can also read these instructions on our website. Please don’t hesitate to call the office at (724)774-1920 or text after hours to (878)529-0336 if you have any questions or concerns.


Space maintainers

These are often recommended when a baby molar is removed over a year before the new tooth is expected to erupt. This is often the case when a baby molar is extracted before the age of 8 since the new teeth do not erupt until the age of 9-12 years. Due to the premature loss of the baby tooth the remaining teeth will shift and close the empty space blocking the pathway for the new tooth. This can result in the need for braces at a later stage and can be avoided by the simple placement of a space maintainer. These “spacers” are prefabricated and require a single painless visit to adapt and cement in the area of the missing tooth. The space maintainer should be placed as soon as possible after the extraction to preserve the original space occupied by the tooth. The dentist will remove this space maintainer in the office when the new tooth is close to growing in. The need for a space maintainer will usually be discussed by the dentist before the tooth is removed.

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